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Monday, February 28, 2011

4 in 1 Burglar Alarm electronic circuit diagram

4 In 1 Burglar Alarm electronic circuit diagram
4 in 1 Burglar Alarm electronic circuit diagram

In this circuit, the alarm will be switched on under the following four different conditions: 1. When light falls on LDR1 (at the entry to the premises). 2. When light falling on LDR2 is obstructed. 3. When door switches are opened or a wire is broken. 4. When a handle is touched. The light dependent resistor LDR1 should be placed in darkness near the door lock or handle etc. If an intruder flashes his torch, its light will fall on LDR1, reducing the voltage drop across it and so also the voltage applied to trigger 1 (pin 6) of IC1. Thus transistor T2 will get forward biased and relay RL1 energise and operate the alarm. Sensitivity of LDR1 can be adjusted by varying preset VR1. LDR2 may be placed on one side of a corridor such that the beam of light from a light source always falls on it. When an intruder passes through the corridor, his shadow falls on LDR2. As a result voltage drop across LDR2 increases and pin 8 of IC1 goes low while output pin 9 of IC1 goes high. Transistor T2 gets switched on and the relay operates to set the alarm. The sensitivity of LDR2 can be adjusted by varying potentiometer VR2. A long but very thin wire may be connected between the points A and B or C and D across a window or a door. This long wire may even be used to lock or tie something. If anyone cuts or breaks this wire, the alarm will be switched on as pin 8 or 6 will go low. In place of the wire between points A and B or C and D door switches can be connected. These switches should be fixed on the door in such a way that when the door is closed the switch gets closed and when the door is open the switch remains open. If the switches or wire, are not used between these points, the points should be shorted. With the help of a wire, connect the touch point (P) with the handle of a door or some other suitable object made of conducting material. When one touches this handle or the other connected object, pin 6 of IC1 goes �low�. So the alarm and the relay gets switched on. Remember that the object connected to this touch point should be well insulated from ground. For good touch action, potentiometer VR3 should be properly adjusted. If potentiometer VR3 tapping is held more towards ground, the alarm will get switched on even without touching. In such a situation, the tapping should be raised. But the tapping point should not be raised too much as the touch action would then vanish. When you vary potentiometer VR1, re-adjust the sensitivity of the touch point with the help of potentiometer VR3 properly. If the alarm has a voltage rating of other than 6V (more than 6V), or if it draws a high current (more than 150 mA), connect it through the relay points as shown by the dotted lines. As a burglar alarm, battery backup is necessary for this circuit. Note: Electric sparking in the vicinity of this circuit may cause false triggering of the circuit. To avoid this adjust potentiometer VR3 properly. 4 in 1 Burglar Alarm electronic circuit diagram

Friday, February 18, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

The True Spirit and the False Spirit

My dear friends, do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but test them to find out if the spirit they have comes from God. For many false prophets have gone out everywhere...1 John 4:11 (CEV).

Thursday, February 10, 2011

P.S. Don't miss the chance to start your own App dev business while it is still hot.

Hi there

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(enable the pictures to see his photo):

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Help for a needy child

Hi! All






Monday, February 7, 2011

‘A special message for the parents & parents-to-be.’

This is a poem by a Green Hill Academy Student.

Parents, children are a photocopy of their parents’ character
You are the hydro power dams from which they
Can tap the power of living light.
But if the dams are empty of values, and the water levels are too low,
What will they tap? Only darkness.
Many parents are suffering from T.B, Too Busy!

Yes, the cost of living is high, but the cost of loving is affordable.
There’s God to help you.
Each child is a goldmine and it’s the parents to mine the gold out of them
Sarcastically, there are parents who see their children as a form of tax;
Tax on their time, tax on their comfort and tax on their freedom
And immediately send them to boarding school even in nursery,
So as to evade these taxes.
Remember, children are like the Global Fund, a gift and a donor fund from God,
You will have to provide full accountability for their use or mismanagement,
You shall be audited
The home is the first classroom in which a child sits.
But unfortunately, the teachers i.e. the parents, have absconded from duty
And if you ask them, they will tell you,
To them, TV is their daddy, they see him everyday
The radio is their mummy; she talks to them whenever they want
Parents, these are your children and, have boarded the wrong taxis,
 to the Northern bypass of destruction
Physically, they maybe in University, but mentally, they are in kindergarten
With their minds still wrapped up in nappies.
Don’t just be the head of the home but head the home

Forget not, PARENT means;
P – Personal Friend,
A – Available,
R – Responsible,
E -  Encourages
N – Nurtures and
T – Teaches

Now is the time for IDPs (Internally Displaced Parents) to return home,
So that the reconstruction of the family can begin.
There are parents who are living in camps of bondage called bars;
Extramarital affairs, cross generational rapports…..
They need to come home for the family is under attack
Many homes used to be like Celtel, Making Life Better,
But now, they have become like Baghdad, daily explosions of verbal artillery,
All this detonated by marital conflicts!
You the parents, have become suicide bombers, blowing up our future
When we see daddy approaching, ‘black mamba is about to strike’
We take cover as he comes heavily armed with words of mass destruction.
Other parents are like UMEME, they load shed their time for their children,
Even up to one week and the kids end up in a black out of values.
The lucky ones survive if they have friends, who act as generators, providing insufficient power
The parliament and cabinet are the brain of the government
But the family is the foot of the nation.
When it fails to stand, the nation falls
Parents, have time for your children.